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Tidings of Comfort and Joy

As I reflect on God’s indescribable gift this Christmas, my heart goes out to a group of people who may find all the talk about Joy a struggle. Rather than a season to be jolly, for these individuals, Christmas is a poignant reminder of their loss, want, loneliness, broken relationships or illness. For others, Christmas is a painful reminder that they don’t “belong”. It feels like you are conspicuously left out from the party invite list, end up with the most shabby gift or worse no gift! The hype makes you feel like you got the short end of life’s stick.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Thinking about your particular circumstance is trust and surrender something God may also be asking of you as you wrestle with your thoughts. Perhaps this is a season to remind yourself about how Jesus came into the world and how God kept his promises to the prophets of old about the Messiah. In the same way, this is a beautiful season to remember and remind yourself about God’s promises to you and to remember as Sinach sings that he is the way maker, promise keeper and light in the darkness.

We serve a big God who came to dwell amongst us. He is Emmanuel – God with us. His arm isn’t too short to save you even in that circumstance. His plan for you remains true and beautiful.

We through the grace that the Holy Spirit supplies can press into God until he brings comfort to our hearts. He is willing to comfort you and show you this season that you are beloved, he sees you and knows you by name. May this knowledge carry you through and give you the grace you need to mend broken relationships and love people even when they make you feel less than.

Over to you! What will your response be to God’s invitation to surrender and receive his presence into your heart and life this Christmas?

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